Taylor from Musings of an Addict gave me the sweetest award on Sunday. It just really touched my heart and gave me that warm, cozy feeling all day - really, all week! And that's a priceless feeling! Taylor is one of my new friends that I've been blessed with. We are both on Madelynn's Twinkling Tuesday team and I am so thankful to God for bringing her and the rest of the Twinklette's into my life. While I treasure this award, what is really priceless to me is the friendship that it symbolizes!

Here are the guidelines for receiving this award:
Rules of this award:
1. Add the logo to your blog.
2. Link to the person from whom you received this award.
3. Nominate 7 or more blogs.
4. Leave a message on their blog, letting them know they are “One Lovely Blog”
Rules of this award:
1. Add the logo to your blog.
2. Link to the person from whom you received this award.
3. Nominate 7 or more blogs.
4. Leave a message on their blog, letting them know they are “One Lovely Blog”
I could go on and on with the nominations, but the time just isn't there so I'm sharing some MORE of my favorites with you!
1. Kimmie at Crafting for Sanity - this gal does it all I tell you! She has been such an encouragement to me over the last several months. Yesterday was a great day for her - stop by her blog and leave her some "blog fives" - that's a new term I'm coining, by the way. It's like a high five, but you'd look silly hitting your monitor, so it's all mental and verbal!!!
2. Danni at Danni's Dreams - another girl that gets tons done. She is also a super encourager and is really, really good about helping people out. Word in cyberspace is that there is a big announcement coming Monday from her. I'm jittery with excitement and anticipation!! Be sure to stop by her blog today - she has her first tutorial; let her know how good she did!
3. Dawn at Daily Scrappin Inspiration - She's one of my SBS3 sisters and I love her blog b/c she posts lots of scrapbook layouts. It's funny to me that I was in first introduced to stamping b/c I wanted to get some SU scrapbook paper for free. I am soooo NOT a scrapper. I try, but it really just gives me a mental block! So I love all the inspiration from her and have tons of her layout posts starred in my reader to case - at some point when I sit down and scrap! LOL!! She's also starting a sketch blog, which you can find HERE.
4. Cindy at Stamps, Paper, and Ink - she's one of my must reads every day! She creates the most gorgeous of cards and is sooo helpful!! She's also organizing a buy for those new yummy SU buttons. I'm going to have to get into that I think!!
5. Kim at Scrapping on the Edge - a recent discovery from checking out the Cuttlebug Challenge participants. Oh she makes the most yummy,scrummy stuff! If you love that collage-y, vintage-y, layered-y look then you'll {heart} her.
6. Creative Journey - I don't know her name as she is another CC find this week. She had one of my favorite cards from the week and her style is more of that layered, lace, flower, yummy goodness!
7. Danni at DannisDoodles - I first discovered her on ebay and was so excited when she started her blog! Her blog always uplifts me every day and is another on my must read list!!
8. Suzanne at One Busy Mom - she's on of my "local" friends and when I get to see her it's always like a ray of sunshine! Suzanne - you looked so beautiful the other night! I'm sorry I couldn't give you more attention...but we'll get together soon!
9. Tara at Our Life Through My Eyes - another local friend and owner of my LSS. She's got a great sense of humor (we both tend to be sarcastic so I love that she "gets me") and always makes me smile! And I have to nominate someone who loves Dr Pepper as much as I do!!
10. Jessica at The Whimsical Butterfly - this girl is a super sweetie!! I can't think of her without smiling and am thankful for all the lifting of my spirits she does. Due to her fabulous artistic talents I have fallen in love with Anya -- and Jess is the Club Anya VP - a new blog debuting Feb 2nd Can't wait!!
11. Nikki at Project: Domestic Bliss - another recent discovery. She's one of those girls who is homemaker extraordinaire. And since I tend to be lacking in this arena at times, I love reading her blog. Inspires me to be better and enjoy the fact that I have laundry to fold. KWIM? It hasn't rubbed off yet, but I figure it's bound to. My mom always told me that who you surround yourself with rubs off on you ---- so ---- that's what I'm hoping for, some uber homemaker skills to cosmically transfer to me!
Okay, I'm forcing myself to stop. I could keep going as there are sooo many blogs that I enjoy visiting. I'd love to add yours to the list, so if you tend to just lurk, leave a comment!!
AND Have A BeautifuL Day!!
Aww, thank you Cassie! Such sweet things to say about me! You're a doll!
I don't display awards on my blog anymore but thank you so much for the thought, I really appreciate it.
Aw thanks girlie! That made my day! I will be posting it very soon! Big hugs!!!!! *blushes*
thanks. my very first blog award. what do i say... i would like to thank my dad(he instilled the sarcasm), the acadamy (of what not sure), oh and you for the award. you are too kind. thanks again.
Cassie this is wonderful!! You really deserve this! You are an amazing stamper, but more importantly an amazing person! I feel so honored to be on the Twinkling team with you!! It has been a blessing for me too! Congrats again!
Thanks for the sweet words! I don't know what to say, but THANKS!!
I am enjoying your creations & they are inspiring me more & more each day!
Thank you so much for the award Sweetie!!! It is so much appreciated and brought a big fat smile to my face!
Dear Cassie,
Thanks so much for this blog award, I feel so honored that you love (and read!) my blog. I am always inspired by your creations and your sweet, sweet personality!
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