Book Description
There’s no doubt about it! Motherhood changes your life—mentally, emotionally, and physically. “So if you’re feeling inadequate for the job, join the crowd!” says Jessie Clemence. “No one is adequate! We all need to humbly seek God’s wisdom and blessings to raise these children.”
There’s a Green Plastic Monkey in My Purse creatively expresses many parenting issues faced by moms and offers encouragement to help you on your journey. You’ll enjoy Clemence’s sense of humor and casual tone as she explores God’s perspective on motherhood and also shares her personal experiences as a mother of two. Not only will you find practical insights and biblical wisdom, but you’ll also find a funny quiz, interesting interviews with moms, study questions, and more.
Reminding you to rely on God to help you display humility, patience, and love, Clemence says, “Thanks to God’s grace, I have far more patience than I ever knew existed. And you, too, can have this blessing. May God teach you about His patience as He continues to teach me.”
I received an eARC copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. Here is my honest review.
I really enjoyed this book. I expected it to be more humor - and there were bits of humor but that is not the focus.
Clemence really hits the profound truth of Motherhood as God designed it in a no-holds barred kind of way....but full of love and grace at the same time. The big truth - as mothers we are to be selfless - and she points that out in scripture. There were many points that I highlighted as gentle reminders that I should be more focused on my family, than myself. Early in the book, Clemence states "I can become the mother I want to be because God is the parent who loved me first". I am so thankful for His patience with me --- of course my child deserves that from me as well. He sets an example of how to love our children.
One reason I found this book enjoyable was Clemence's writing style - it was easy to follow and felt very genuine. I appreciated her first person point of view and perspective that she doesn't have it all figured out exactly - but she knows what the goal is and has identified the steps (actions and attitudes) to get there.
I have an eARC copy of this book but will eventually add the printed version to my library to refer back when I need encouragement and gentle reminders of how I can be a better mother.
I gave this book: ★★★★
★ = I did not like it ★★ = It was okay ★★★ = I liked it
★★★★ = I really liked it ★★★★★ = I loved it